Buying / Selling a Home

When do you hire a real estate attorney? Before you sign anything. Whether you're buying or selling a home, the earlier in the process your attorney is involved, the better. A purchase contract is a blueprint for closing. It dictates (in all that small fine print) how the rest of the transaction will unfold, and sets up customary standards that can work against you. At the very least, you should write in a contingency clause that gives you the right to get your attorney's approval before the contract is binding. Your attorney can handle many services for you like:

  • Review the contract to be sure all provisions are in your best interest, and in proper legal language add any changes needed to protect you interests

  • Check for unrecorded municipal liens, or building permits that have not be properly closed

  • Obtain a title search, evaluate the status of title, and require appropriate legal remedies to clear any defects

  • Prepare or review the closing statement and closing documents

  • Advise you on how you should take title to the home you're buying, and how this affects transfer of the home in the event of the death of a co-owner

Without an attorney by your side, you might be faced with unforeseen problems like:

  • Unnecessary taxes or expenses because the contract terms were not in your favor

  • An unenforceable, or incomplete contract that does not meet your original objectives

  • Inability to qualify for financing

  • Lawsuits that can result from not understanding all those fine print customary provisions that could work against your objective to buy or sell the property

Given all that's involved during the real estate sales/purchase process (your home, money, peace-of-mind) working with a knowledgeable real estate attorney is one of the wisest things you can do to protect your investment. We can provide a free estimate of the charges you can expect to pay. We will clearly and patiently explain the process of buying and selling a home. You want to buy that dream home and our objective is to make sure the process does not turn into a nightmare.

For more information on buying and selling a home, go here.

Lawrence Natinsky is a proud agent of Old Republic National Title Insurance Company (policies issued through Attorneys' Title Fund Services, LLC "The Fund").

Before you decide on a lawyer, ask them to send you free written information about their qualifications and experience.